The Impactful Influencers Podcast πŸš€βœ¨

Embracing Your Inherent Divine Fire

November 16, 2023 Angela Blaha
The Impactful Influencers Podcast πŸš€βœ¨
Embracing Your Inherent Divine Fire
Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Do you truly understand your divine fire and the responsibility that it carries? Tune in with Renee and me as we help demystify this crucial element of conscious leadership. We're shedding light on how guilt, blame, and shame often get mixed up with our divine responsibility, stirring up unnecessary confusion. It's a deep dive into authenticity, individual morality, and the essence of becoming our actualized selves without the pressure of keeping up with the crowd.

In the latter half of our exchange, we shift our focus to intuition and personal leadership. We're breaking down the archaic masculine and feminine energy roles, talking about balancing these energies, and forging a new paradigm of relationships and self-awareness. Through this riveting conversation, we’ll outline the stark differences between leading through intuition and control, the importance of recognizing our individual morals, and the immense power of unity consciousness. This episode will inspire you to recognize your divine fire, your innate leadership potential, and the transformative power of intuition. Prepare to be enlightened!

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Angela Blaha:

Hey everyone, welcome to the Blueprint podcast. I have Renee again with me today. Thank you, renee, for being with me every week. You're such a trooper. I enjoyed it, so yay, great, all right.

Angela Blaha:

Today's topic is embracing your inherent divine fire. Like we both woke up this morning with this burning fire within it and we need to discuss it right. So what I feel and the messages that I got today was like we are at this point in conscious evolution where we really have to get serious about why the hell we're here. I feel like, you know, moving into this, the third quarter, we're halfway through the third quarter, or the fourth quarter already, of the year 2023. I think that we need to be like really being conscious leaders of the new earth, and we need to be very intentional. I think that that's what this fiery kind of energy is right now is like let's move, let's go, let's blaze the way here.

Angela Blaha:

So, as conscious beings, let's just say the responsibility that we take on is generally very, very high. I mean, I've felt that way my whole entire life. At first, I related it to my family, you know, to my, my original family, and then to the family that I created, and now it's way beyond that, it's about shifting our consciousness, but what I've noticed over time is that it gets confused with human guilt, blame and shame, and I think that that's where we get stuck, like we really get stuck within that sort of paradigm of you know, what does responsibility mean? How am I responsible? And then we take on everyone else's responsibility, and I think that that's the stepping stone of where we are right now.

Angela Blaha:

Well, I think we've been there for quite a few years, but I think that we're here facing it and saying, okay, we're moon, but beyond that, what's really the purpose? What's where does my real responsibility lie? I think that that's why we're experiencing this fire with this new moon, which we don't generally have, fire with a new moon right. So we, but we are experiencing it right now. So what's your? What's your take on that? The?

Renee Keene:

whole, I am totally in agreement with what you're saying. It is time it's you and I have talked about, and I've said, going with the flow or whatever. So many of us use that statement and going with the flow. Well, there's different definitions. For me, a flow. For a lot of people, I think going with the flow is just oh yep, the family decided to do this, so I'm going along. Oh yep, the people at work said we should do it like this, so I'm going along, so I'll just go with the flow, even though I don't really, it doesn't really resonate or align with me. I'm just going to go with the flow.

Renee Keene:

That's not the flow I encourage people to move into, because that's just going along at the same old rate, at the same old pace and that's not jumping onto the next level or into the next place. I just I said earlier it is really time for us to, to, to, be our own actualized self, so that we can say this is for the two of you or this is for these two organizations or groups to figure out my energy doesn't belong here. It's time for me to be a leader and step outside of it and say I can support what I know to be true for myself. Anyone else gets to decide that for themselves. Moving into what I would call a more unity consciousness is being aware that we all get to decide what we're aligned with. And then we get into that whole thing about we've talked earlier about.

Angela Blaha:

It's like we've lost all morals, yeah, I think this whole responsibility, the human responsibility, I think that that's where it broke down our moral insights, you know us being authentic with who we are, like I feel like that is the culprit that really broke down our own standards, like personal standards, like how many of us have standards about who we are, how many of us actually have a responsibility to yourself, to your own fire that dominates you, like literally, it's been entangled and confused and covered up for somebody young that I think that we've just sort of that. It's almost been lost and I think that it's energetically, I think it's starting to like burn so hot in everyone right now that we can't ignore it any longer. And what does it relate to? Is our authenticity, our morality, our? You know, if we are literally going to move into a new earth without being wiped from the earth, then we have to start looking at these things, yeah and when you?

Renee Keene:

you know, when we say morality, I'm not saying it's for me to decide anyone else's morals. I'm saying it's time for us to know what our own individual morals are, and they don't go along, they don't have to go along with what anyone else is. And it's time.

Angela Blaha:

Well, I think that they shouldn't I think that we are such a corrupt world? Yes, that we have to. We have to do something. I mean, we all came into this world with this deep I'm deep understanding of our own divine fire, our own purpose. Like I can remember that I can. I can go right now to being one year old, which I don't have much memory of my, my younger youth, because with that I would have just became part of the followers.

Angela Blaha:

But I can remember coming in with such a deep burning fire that that I knew. I knew that I had to hold, or not necessarily hold, but I had to understand it at a very deep human level, with all the emotions, all the thoughts, all the things, before I could actually allow it to be released, because I think I probably just had a burn on the earth with it, because it was so. I mean, it's so penetrating, you know, like this we call it this deep love, but it's not. It goes beyond love. It's a deep like this divine fire which has really been almost plaguing me for about a month right now. Is this divine fire that we all hold, that burns deep within side of us, that we actually have to? We have to let it be free now, and I think that this is I mean, I say this a lot this is where we're going to shift our consciousness, but when we can, when you can feel that inside of you there's nothing else but shifting up as it takes place.

Renee Keene:

I'm trying to keep peace. That for me, that you just said it is now the time to let it be free yes, that is, for me, the key piece.

Angela Blaha:

Let it be free, yeah, but do we know how to let it be free, you know?

Angela Blaha:

that's what we're always doing right, but we do know that the first thing we need to do to detangle and let the divine fire become the most important thing in our lives is to understand what your morals and values are, your intrinsic moral values you know like. Who are you as a human being? How authentic are you being in everyday life as a human being? Or are you just following, going along right, like? That's why we, that's why how we've gotten the name of sheep? Yep, it's so degrading, but yet we do nothing about it. I mean, how many of us are actually taking a stand, going outside the parameters and saying, oh no, we're not going to do that any longer. Enough is enough. How many of us do that? Not too many.

Renee Keene:

And even if we do it in some aspects of our life, it's time to do it in all aspects of our life.

Angela Blaha:

Agree, because that's just the abundance.

Renee Keene:

Yeah, this is who I am here, but over here, in something you know it's own, it completely and totally Exactly.

Angela Blaha:

Yeah, time to let the fire out. So another thing I think, or a second point I think, that we can contribute to this is the self-actualization which we have been talking about all year long. Not being in that competitive kind of energy and flow doesn't mean to follow. It means literally to lead who you are, and if other people need a follower, then let them at least follow something that has morals and values that actually help us grow as a human race, versus controlling and dominating us as a human race. And so that self-actualization component, which we discuss over and over and over, and actual ways to become self-actualized, the first component of that is to knowing this divine fire that burns in you. Like literally get to know it. What's it about? Why is it here? Third thing I think, is the take action component, that what I, you know, like without taking action, we're not doing a damn thing, we're not making any change, we're not shifting any consciousness, we're not doing anything Without that component and flow has nothing to do with taking action. Right, if you're just going to sit back and let the world pass you by, then let it pass you by. I mean, you can be in flow that way, but that's not really what flow means. Flow means that you know what your divine fire is, you know what your passion is, you know where your morals, your values reside and you stand by them. You support them, you cultivate them, you let them grow, but you stand by them, right.

Angela Blaha:

So what I got this morning in the shower was that the feminine energy is literally here to lead. Like your, your own feminine energy should be leading. And we, how do we lead? We lead through our morals, through our values, through our own personal standards. I can't count the number of people that I've worked with this year on personal standards and they've all been women. No-transcript, because we really haven't had, we're not taught personal standards. No, you know, we're taught. Well, I was taught as a younger child to just, you know, let somebody else make the decisions. That usually was the masculine being in the family, the head of the hierarchy, you know. But that's not. I was never like like for that. I was like, okay, they can make decisions, but that'll be now. I'm gonna follow up.

Renee Keene:

And it even goes further than that, because I remember being in school and as a young person and being taught certain things. I can't give you the exact thing I was being taught, but questioning the validity of what I was being taught like I don't, that doesn't align with me and I don't. And I asked questions and it was pretty much always shut down and then you'd go home and say, but I, they said this and it's not right. And then it was to being taught to. Well, go with the flow. That's the way it is, that's the way they teach, that's the way this works.

Renee Keene:

And I think I'm bringing up the teaching aspect of it because I think that is one of the key components right now that we really, as a society, have to understand what we're gonna tolerate and what we're not, because, or finding our own way of being with that, you know it. That is dominance, that is controlling dominance when it's got to go this way and you must follow the flow. Yes, we need to understand that people can ask a question, even when we move into our own individualized leadership role. That doesn't mean someone can't question, right, well, why are you doing this? Or can you tell me how you got here, from here Right. By being a leader doesn't mean you want to be in control and domination.

Renee Keene:

No, that's not what I'm leaving, I mean a leader means you're doing exactly, but a lot of people think that's who controls and dominates, and that's that's a big concept for people to understand. You don't have to lead a whole crew by being a leader. You can be your own individualized leader.

Angela Blaha:

Well, I think that that's the important component, right? Is that you're leading yourself, that you're not actually following somebody else because you're taught to follow someone else, that you're actually being the leader of who you are. That is what unity, consciousness means.

Angela Blaha:

That you become unified, Not unified with the whole world, Unified with yourself. Unified, right, that's how. And the feminine leads by intuition, not by domination, control and manipulation. Right, Like we lead by. Well, this is the best option for me. This is, this is who I am, this is the divine fire that burns inside of me and this is this is how it's gonna. This is how I'm being led by my own self to play it out or to respond or to react. Right, Masculine energy is literally to support and to protect. Like they aren't here to lead and I'm probably gonna get a lot of questions about this, but here we are. This divine fire says just reveal it already.

Angela Blaha:

That doesn't mean that masculine don't lead. Like, we're not saying that they don't have the power to lead. They do have the power to lead Because they're using their intuition and they're protecting and supporting their own lead self, their own intuitiveness, right, Like their own inner divine fire, Right. But our roles when we become androgynous, you know, when we become that balance of both masculine and feminine, like we don't have to have, like I don't have to have a man in my life protecting and supporting my own intuitive knowing and leading myself, and a man in my life doesn't have to have me leading him Like that's not what this is. We have to like sort of erase what we know about masculine and feminine and we really have to move into something, a whole different paradigm, a whole different way of thinking and being in the relationship, Because now we are becoming the relationship like a unified being knows and understands all of those things and they take action based upon their inner knowings, their authentic moral values. You know, being in flow with who they are, not the rest of the world.

Renee Keene:

And I'm going to say it's a practice. You have to practice moving into this way of being. It isn't something that you just can. Well, maybe some people can just do that, but most of us it takes practice and being in a situation where we can go, oh boy that I'm acting like, no, that's not me but I'm following along, for that's what I think I'm supposed to do.

Renee Keene:

So it's going to hit us in different ways at different times in our workspace, in our home space, in our play space. Once you become very aware of it, you can then do something about it. You can decide how you want to proceed. Is that comfortable, being in the flow and going along? Well, if it is, then that's what you're going to decide.

Renee Keene:

It's not for me, and it's time that we all can see this and look at it and I've seen too many women I'm just going to say this like this I've seen too many women throughout my lifetime who, instead of moving into the leadership role of using their intuition, move into the leadership role of control and domination. And just because they think they're feminine, they're a woman, they think that they're not in control and domination and da-ga-n, they really are. So pay attention to yourself as well there, so that you understand. I don't want to say slippery slope, but you need to be aware of it.

Angela Blaha:

Yeah, well, I've done that, right, like when I was younger, in my 20s and 30s. That was the only way to get to anything. Yeah, I mean, I've owned businesses since I've been 19 years old. Multiple businesses, sometimes two or three businesses at a time at one period of time, and the only way that I could actually get ahead in owning my own, being an entrepreneur, was sort of to fall into that area of authoritarian kind of mentality. Right, I knew exactly what I was doing. I knew exactly that I was playing that kind of a game and that I learned how to flow within that game right, in order to be successful.

Angela Blaha:

But it doesn't mean that I was wrong. I mean that doesn't you know, it's the whole awareness of it, like I knew exactly what the heck I was doing, you know. It's when we're not, when we don't have any awareness of it, that we sort of get swayed one way or another. But again, still not wrong. I think the other thing here is that this is going to take a level of maturity that the human race is not experienced, and by maturity this is the whole self actualization component, right, like being that mature, adult self. It comes with responsibilities is not quite the right word, but it does come with some responsibilities of knowing, like, who you are right, not making someone else's wrong just to be, just to make sure that you are right, like that's not what maturity is Wanting to win disagreements. Or at any cost, like that's domination, manipulation and control Absolutely.

Renee Keene:

Blaming others.

Angela Blaha:

You know blaming others again, domination, manipulation, control, you know those kinds of things. That's not who we are becoming and we have to be willing to give up those things in order to move into your own understanding of your divine purpose, the reason that you really are here, the real reason like why we're shifting our consciousness. You know we can't stay in that mentality or the emotional mentality or the, you know, any of it. There's no shifting of consciousness if we aren't willing to take some steps here, some standards, and create some personal standards to know what you value, what do you value in moral and what are your morals in life?

Renee Keene:

That's a great exercise. That's a great way for people to start. It's a great exercise. What are my values? Yeah, what are my morals?

Angela Blaha:

Yeah, we have to start just saying to our internal wisdom that intuition like that I feel is the key Like that will push you over to edge if you have any fear, if you have any blocks is really understanding who you are listening to, that inner knowing, that inner wisdom, the inner being that you've always been, but maybe you have just ignored it. You know that's been kind of the whole thing throughout our lifetimes is we've never been taught to pay attention to the intuition, to that fire that burns in you, that says you know, go this way instead of that way. We've never been taught to listen to that at least not trust it or to trust it at all yeah, yes, agree.

Angela Blaha:

So I think this week is really about embracing that, like really really embracing who you're here, why you're here, what your dreams are like, never really give up on your dreams, never stop following that intuitive knowing right, like just yeah, it's really you know, asking you know what is my inherent divine fire? Yeah.

Renee Keene:

What? Where does what is that for me? And it might take some little practices or tools to just dive into that. And, you know, make some lists. If that's what you need, that's what you need to do. You know, go into meditation, take a walk outside, whatever it is that's gonna, you know, help you open up to understanding that. And then I just have a little caveat with that it's only when you're working on you. You're only working on you. Yes, so it's. It's about you, where you're at, and everyone else gets to do their own work Exactly.

Renee Keene:

You don't have to, you know you have to worry about if you don't have to worry, if they're with the flow or if they're not, because, as each of us becomes very aware of our divine fire and what that is, and everybody's moving in that same direction, that works for them. Yes, it's, it's. It's a really beautiful thing that we get to do right now.

Angela Blaha:

I know. But and it's powerful like it, I know I know the entire consciousness is experiencing it at some level this deep passion and fire that's burning inside of you to come out, to let it be free like this is where we are in the conscious evolution. This is where we are in the new earth paradigm right now is all the foundations have been built for the new earth. It's literally where do our morals and our values now reside? Within the foundation. And I can tell you I can tell you because I know these sort of things that without you understanding morally and and supporting your own values and morals like that, the whole idea of new earth is probably not gonna land with you at all.

Renee Keene:


Angela Blaha:

Yeah, no, it's how it is. No, embrace your divine fire, like that's the message this week. Absolutely Embrace that, be it, take action steps based on it. Support yourself, lead yourself. Stop thinking that the world is here to we are not all gonna move together. That's not.

Angela Blaha:

it's not how unity works within yourself and if you don't have unity within yourself, you can never have unity outside of yourself, and it doesn't work. It just does not work. No, it doesn't. Humans have too many aspects about themselves in order for you know us all to think one way or to be one way like. That's not, that's not what humanity was created for. No, not at all. No, no, we are here to unify all of our bodies our mental body, emotional body, our spiritual body and our physical body. That's what unity is. That's what unity consciousness is, and your divine fire is the one that's leading the way. It's really your intuitive knowing about what's right and how to move forward in your own rightness.

Renee Keene:

So well said.

Angela Blaha:

Love it. Thank you all for joining us here on the blueprint today and until next week. Please like share and leave comments. If you like, take care.

Embracing Your Divine Fire
Embracing Intuition and Personal Leadership